About us

Tashi delek

(a Tibetan expression used for greetings, congratulations, and good-luck wishes)

The Glacier Guesthouse is a family project

The lodge belonged to our parents who died in the 2015 earthquake.

Since then the three of us – Pasang, Dorje and Tshering – manage the place. We rebuilt the lodge to continue our parents project.

Now run by the second generation

Each of us has different skills, that complement each other and make us a strong team.

Tshering is great at all types of house work, which she learned from her mother.

While studying gastronomy and hotel management Dorje learnt to cook tasty dishes.

We look forward to welcoming you

Once you are here, we can give you an insight into local life and our culture. For example by teaching you some words in Tibetan.

Visitors feedback

«The lodge is small and cozy, the atmosphere is familiar and the owners are very friendly and helpful.»

19.5.2018, Reto Santschi (48), Switzerland

«At vero eos et accusa et justo duo dolores et ean rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.»

19.5.2018, Tanja Gerber (40), Switzerland

«At vero eos et accusa et justo duo dolores et ean rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.»

19.5.2018, Tanja Gerber (40), Switzerland

«At vero eos et accusa et justo duo dolores et ean rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.»

19.5.2018, Tanja Gerber (40), Switzerland


We are good friends with Gobinda Rai, Travel Advisor in Nepal and are proud to be supported by the swiss association Vitamin C.